How to Control Abusive Mood Swings
Talk to a psychiatrist. If you feel your mood swings are beyond your control, get a psychiatric evaluation to determine why you are experiencing this problem.
Consider medications and therapy to treat any psychiatric conditions. If there are no physical causes for your abusive mood swings, your doctor or psychiatrist may be able to prescribe medications that will keep you calm and help stabilize your moods. Talk therapy may help you work through the underlying issues of your mood swings.
Get a physical exam. Sometimes, physical illness can cause adverse psychological reactions that result in abusive mood swings. Your doctor may perform blood tests or brain imaging tests to detect any untreated physical illnesses that may be underlying your mood swings.
Take an anger management course. Although anger management may not stop the mood swings, it could help you identify strategies that will enable you to stop your mood swings from becoming abusive.
Learn your triggers. Pay attention to when you have abusive mood swings and keep a log of where you are and what you are doing when they start. Take note of the specific thoughts you were having during these mood swings and what physical sensations that you felt. Over time, you may be able to see patterns in your moods.
Avoid stressful situations that trigger mood swings. Once you have identified specific circumstances that lead to abusive mood swings, try to avoid these situations, or remove yourself from the situation as soon as you feel your mood escalating. Giving yourself a "timeout" may allow you to shift your mood before you become abusive.
Find constructive ways to let out your frustrations. Identify things you can do that will allow you to cope without your moods without becoming abusive. When you feel your mood swings getting out of control, try to defuse the situation by involving yourself in such stress-relieving activities as exercising, writing, taking a walk, listening to music, reading a book, napping or taking a hot shower.