Natural Ways to Deal With Anxiety
Exercising helps many people deal with constant stress, even if they aren't suffering from an anxiety disorder. Physical activity helps the body release endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that make a person feel good. Many turn to yoga, which requires proper breathing and concentration, and lowers heart rate and muscle tension.
Anxiety sufferers might be recommended to change their diet and eliminate things like caffeine, alcohol and high amounts of sugar. Foods that are high in B vitamins, such as nuts, whole grains and fish can aid in emotional and mental well-being. A person with anxiety issues should also be well hydrated, as dehydration can bring about headaches, fatigue and stress.
Breathing Exercises
Most anxiety sufferers experience panic attacks, when the heart races rapidly and breath feels short. Sitting up and taking slower, shallower breaths will help calm the person down. Quick, deep breathing depletes the brain of oxygen and carbon dioxide. If you're conscious of correct breathing, it will help your panic attack to conclude much quicker.
Staying Busy
A big part of why anxiety attacks re-occur is because the sufferer continually worries about having another one. Doing something to stay busy and keeping your mind off of anxiety will allow your mind to heal properly. Doing chores and running errands are great ways to stay focused. Getting others involved in helping with this is also important. Being alone leaves you too much time to think, which is the last thing a person with anxiety needs.