Monthly Activities for Adults With Dementia
Relaxing the Patient
Every month the patient should be given a sensory task. Patients with dementia usually get stressed out and have a problem relaxing their minds. They are unable to control their muscles and need activities that help relax their muscles and mind. Sensory tasks can be as simple as lightly washing their faces with a warm towel to help sooth the nerves. A light hand massage allows them to experience the texture of cream or lotion being blended into their skin. The soft motions will also allow their muscles and brain to relax.
Improving Attention Span and Socialization
One of the foremost problems caregivers face is improving the attention span of dementia patients. Because they will be unable to comprehend complex instructions, any treatment has to be simple and interesting. To improve the attention span of dementia patients while helping them socialize, groups of patients can play together. Arranging a simple scavenger hunt, a monthly bingo game or a game of catch will not only help the patients interact but also help them focus and concentrate on one objective. Plus, looking forward to the scheduled monthly activity will help them "remember" the dates and programs as well.
One of the best ways to treat patients of dementia is to help them keep a scrapbook or memory book. The patients should document their daily activities and then read them at the end of the month. This will help them remember and keep the brain cells active, allowing them to work both short-term and long-term memories. Albums with pictures of their loved ones also helps jog memories and helps retain their pasts.