Residential Treatment for ADHD & ODD
The diagnosis of ADHD or ODD requires an interview of a person's history and current symptoms. Diagnosis should be made by a qualified mental health professional.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment for ADHD or ODD is protocol prior to looking at any type of inpatient or residential program for these disorders.
Intensive Treatment
If outpatient treatment fails, there are options for intensive outpatient treatment (three to four times a week) or inpatient treatment that may be effective.
Residential Treatment
If all other avenues fail to address symptoms and behavioral problems associated with ADHD and ODD, residential treatment may be an option. Residential treatment requires stay at the designated center for between 3 to 6 months.
Aspects of Residential Treatment
Residential treatment focuses on modifying behavior and treating symptoms of ADHD and/or ODD. Residents will be involved in psychiatric evaluation by a physician, individual and group therapy by qualified therapists and behavioral modification programs typically based on a point system.
Other Factors
Residential treatment is expensive and rarely covered by insurance. A variety of other treatment options must be tried and failed in order for a patient to be a candidate for residential treatment. Family involvement is encouraged and preferred in treatment.