How to Stop Drinking by Yourself
Things You'll Need
- Supportive friends and family members
- Pictures of yourself before alcoholism
- Journal and pen
Make the decision to quit. You may know that you need to, or others may have told you, but in order to be successful you have to admit you have a problem and make a conscious and sober-minded decision to quit. Get rid of any alcohol that is in your house.
Tell your friends and family of your plans. Sit down with a few close friends or family members and discuss why you need to quit, whether it is for your health, for family members or both. Make lists of things you want to do when you have weaned yourself of your addiction; plan on rewarding yourself with the money you have saved by not purchasing alcohol.
Make numerous copies of these lists, so you will have to see them throughout the day. Put a copy in your car, so that you will see it when you feel weak and want to rush to the liquor store. Post pictures of yourself before you succumbed to alcoholism all over the house and your work area to remind you of your goal. If your kids or family is your motivation for quitting, post pictures of them to keep you on track.
Institute the constant help of family and friends. When you are feeling weak, call a friend and have them remind you of the things they disliked about you when you were drinking all the time. Ask a friend to stay with you for a few weeks while you are battling the roughest part of breaking your addiction.
Ask family and friends for support. You may even ask a family member to visit local bars and liquor stores to ask the staff at those places to please refuse your service. Although they may be losing business, many places will still work to battle alcoholism.
Keep a journal of your progress and accomplishments. Be proud of yourself when you go a day, a week, a month without alcohol. Reward yourself with a vacation or a new gadget when you reach a year.