Activities to Fight Depression
Develop and keep to a daily routine. Each day get up, get dressed, take care of personal grooming and move around. Allowing oneself to stay in bed and not move will only worsen the depression. If one has a job, then he should go to work, despite any inclination he may have. Ultimately, he will feel better about himself in doing daily routine things.
Act Opposite
It is important to act opposite to inclinations one may have. Depressed people often choose to isolate or give in to self harming activities such as drinking, drugs or other impulsive behaviors. A depressed person should think about each inclination and honestly assess whether it is healthy behavior. There are some behaviors that will only make the depressed person feel worse. If one knows that he will feel worse after a behavior, he should act opposite to the inclination.
Live Mindfully
Mindful living is another way to cope with depression. Mindful living requires that the person be totally present to whatever activity in which she is engaging. It requires that the person push away outside thoughts to focus on the immediate action. This can help the depressed person to not focus on the depression and distract themselves by other activities.
Take Medications
If medications have been prescribed, taking these medications as they are prescribed is very important. Antidepressant medications must build up in a person's system to be effective. Thus they need to be taken consistently and correctly to do the job they are meant to do.
Activities to Tolerate the Distress
When the depressive symptoms become most difficult to cope with, have ready a list of activities that can help in tolerating the distress. These can include hobbies, fun activities or short trips to take the edge off the distress.
Be Nice to the Self
People who are chronically depressed know what their symptoms are and can take control of the illness by caring for themselves in a positive way. Try using scented candles, bubble bath, nice smelling hand lotion and other pampering items to lift the mood. Be patient, knowing that this is the state of your mind right now and that ultimately you will feel better.