How to Know if Your Boyfriend Is Depressed
Look for emotional changes. People who are depressed may feel hopeless and helpless much of the time and may respond to everyday problems with these kinds of attitudes. Their thoughts regarding life in general will be more negative than normal and they may no longer show any signs that they feel happiness or pleasure even when good things happen. They may also be much more aggressive and even violent than they were before they became depressed, getting into arguments and even physical fights for no apparent reason.
Look for behavioral changes. Loss of interest in hobbies, social activities and sex can all be symptoms of depression, as can the inability to complete tasks or focus on things for extended periods of time. Changes in sleeping patterns, such as frequent insomnia, waking up constantly throughout the night or very early in the morning and oversleeping or napping frequently, can also be symptoms.
Look for dangerous behaviors. A person who is suddenly into heavy drug use or alcohol consumption, compulsive gambling, reckless driving or participating in dangerous sports may be suffering from depression, especially if he did not take part in any of these activities before or did so only in a very moderate amount but is suddenly excessive about them.
Look for suicidal thoughts. Some people who become depressed and stay that way for long periods of time with no relief will begin to see death as a better situation than continuing to live in despair. They may give verbal hints that they are contemplating suicide, such as revealing that they don't think life is worth living anymore.
Look for physical symptoms. For some people, depression is not only suffered mentally but physically as well. They will experience headaches, back aches, stomach aches and muscle aches, often for no easy to determine reason.