How to Get Over One of Those Days When Everything Goes Wrong
Watch a funny movie or listen to your favorite song. Perform this activity alone, if possible, to rejuvenate your mood with a good laugh or personal dance party.
Talk to your best friend. Call a friend who lives cross country or meet up with a friend who lives down the street. Vent your problems to a supportive person to make yourself feel better.
Find healthy outlets for your bad mood. Avoid the use of alcohol, drugs or fattening foods, as these quick fixes will make you feel worse later. Instead, take a peaceful walk outdoors or slip into a hot bath to relax.
Put off any unnecessary chores for another day. Leave the dirty dishes in the sink and the vacuum in the closet. Focus on relaxing and having fun instead of filling your already stressful day with more work.
Consume your favorite healthy meal for dinner. Order out if you don't enjoy cooking, otherwise plan and create a meal that will lift your spirits without making yourself feel guilty later.
Indulge in a healthy, self-image boosting activity. Purchase that dress you've had your eye on, get a haircut or buy a new bottle of nail polish. Get over your bad day with a simple purchase or activity that will bolster your self-esteem.
Create a list of the blessings in your life. Write down all of the reasons tomorrow will be better, including friends, family, pets and your job. Leave the list in a bedside drawer or hang it on the fridge as a reminder of life's positive aspects the next time you have a bad day.
Head off to bed early. Turn off the television, dim the lights and end the bad day with a good night's sleep.