Clinical Signs of Depression in Teenage Girls
Dietary Changes
A common clinical sign of depression in teenage girls is a change in appetite. Dietary change commonly presents as a loss of appetite. The change associated with eating patterns may be difficult to detect at the outset but become more pronounced over time, according to Gary Nelson writing in "A Relentless Hope: Surviving the Storm of Teen Depression."
Sleep Problems
Teenage girls experience significant sleep disturbances when depressed. As is the case with adults, teenage girls find it difficult to fall or stay asleep. However, teenagers also tend to experience nightmares when depressed as well, according to "Overcoming Teen Depression: A Guide for Parents" by Miriam Kaufman.
Social Isolation
In listing the clinical signs of depression in teenage girls, social isolation is common. Teenage girls begin to limit contact with their peers and avoid events and functions that they once enjoyed.
Memory Loss
The National Institute of Mental Health recognized memory loss as a clinical sign of depression in teen girls. Memory loss commonly is related to a drop in grades and achievement in school.
Hygiene Change
A clinical sign of depression in teenage girls is a decline in hygiene. In other words, a teen girl afflicted with depression ceased to groom and care for herself in the manner to which she was accustomed.
Suicidal Thoughts
Teen girls demonstrate suicidal thoughts at a higher percentage than is the case with their male peers, according to the National Institute of Health. Suicidal thoughts--not always verbally expressed--represent yet another of the clinical signs of depression in teenage girls.
Self Mutilation
A clinical sign of depression in teenage girls rarely seen in boys of the same age is self mutilation. Some girls suffering from depression are prone to cutting or slicing into their flesh. These girls experience a temporary sense of relief from the mental anguish associated with depression because of the physical pain of the cutting.