How to Determine Low Seratonin Levels
Things You'll Need
- Lean Meats
- Soy Products
- Eggs
- Dairy Products
- Nuts
- 5HTP (with okay from your doctor)
Symptoms of low serotonin levels
You may have a constant feeling of being tired, no matter how much you sleep or take naps. A sense of always being worn-out is common as well.
It may be hard to get to sleep and/or stay asleep. The insomnia is usually accompanied by racing thoughts--like your mind won’t shut itself off and may dwell on negative thoughts.
Low-emotional levels are common as well, such as sadness, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and disinterest in sex. Things you used to enjoy in the past no longer appeal to you, and you may find that you have very little sense of humor.
Your appetite may suffer, either as weight gain or weight loss. A craving for sweets and carbohydrates may be present as the brain tries to make more serotonin.
A feeling of being chronically depressed could hang over you.This may be quite significant or moderate. Some people may turn to alcohol or medication to help them cope. Those around you may comment on how much you've changed.