Signs & Symptoms of Depression Combined With Repression
The Mayo Clinic lists a lack of interest in common daily activities as a depression symptom. A person who feels repressed and powerless will quickly lose interest in doing things because he feels trapped by everyday life. Soon he will be apathetic and lose his motivation.
Depressed people are often irritable. They may get annoyed quickly without a visible reason, according to the Mayo Clinic. Their reaction is often being triggered by the repression. They don't feel that they can aim their anger at the true source, so it becomes generalized.
Concentration Problems
The Mayo Clinic cites impaired concentration and a loss of the ability to focus as common depression symptoms. A depressed person who also feels repressed is generally under stress. The ongoing anxiety can get in the way of proper concentration.
Physical Pain
Tension can manifest itself physically, particularly in the muscles. They become sore when they can never properly relax. Depression and repression both cause tension, which can appear physically as tightness and pain in the shoulders, back and other areas.
Severe depression can led to suicidal thoughts and behavior. A repressed person suffering from depression often feels trap and doesn't see a healthy way to escape the situation. She may feel that death is the only feasible way to get out of the situation.