Signs & Symptoms of Pyschotic Depression
Depression Symptoms
Those with psychotic depression will experience some symptoms of depression. Symptoms of depression may include sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, pessimism, or guilty feelings and moods. Behavioral symptoms of depression may include fatigue, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, insomnia or oversleeping, diminished appetite or overeating, restlessness, agitation, crying spells and difficulty concentrating and making decisions. Depression may also manifest in physical symptoms such as chronic pain with no apparent cause that does not respond to treatment. Suicide ideation and attempts, and a preoccupation with death may also be symptoms of depression.
Psychosis Symptoms
According to the NIH, symptoms of psychosis usually involve some degree of hallucinations and delusions. Hallucinations are the perceptions of things that do not exist, while delusions are false beliefs. The content of such hallucinations and delusions may have a depressive element, such as hearing voices that criticize the person, tell them that they are evil or urge the person to harm or kill himself. Other symptoms of psychosis may include inappropriate emotional displays, disorganized or incomprehensible thoughts and speech, confusion, and undue suspicion and fear.
Other Symptoms
There are other symptoms of psychotic depression that are not necessarily typical of depression or psychosis. According to, some common symptoms of depression with psychotic features may include anxiety, hypochondria and impaired cognition. Some common physical symptoms may include agitation, constipation and remaining immobile for extended periods.
Those who suffer from psychotic depression may be aware that the hallucinations, delusions and illogical thoughts that they experience have no basis in reality, according to They may be embarrassed by or ashamed of their thoughts, and not report them to physicians or care givers. By not disclosing the full extent of their symptoms, those that suffer from psychotic depression may not be accurately diagnosed.