How to get Happy naturally
Go exercise. Try going for a run. People often talk about a "runners high", which is believed to be directly related to the release of endorphins. At the very least you have some time to relax, you'll feel better right afterwards AND you should feel great for getting out and accomplishing something!
Eat some Chocolate! It doesn't have to be a lot, but even a small bite will trigger the brain to release endorphins!
Eat something spicy. Your body is trying to deal with spicy food and in response releases endorphins on your tounge and also centrally in your body.
Get ouside and get some sun. Some researchers believe that UV rays may trigger endorphins - but at the very least you can get some great vitamin D!
Laugh! Laughing also produces endorphins! As a side benefit laughing also can strengthen your immune system - which is great for protection against diseases.
Be Positive! By thinking positive or thinking about things that make you happy you can instantly.