How to Improve Your Mood in only 5 minutes
Close your eyes and try to clear your mind of all thoughts to improve your mood. A bad mood often grows from the same thought replaying itself over and over again in your mind. If you are having a hard time clearing all thoughts out of your mind, picture a candle in your mind and focus on the flame.
Breathe in and out very slowly for at least 10 breathes. This will slow down your heart and your mind which will help with the bad mood that you are in. A calm body will help to improve your mood and get you into the frame of mind that you want to be in.
Say to you yourself that you are successful and you are having a great day. Repeat this 10 to 15 times to get the point across to your mind. You can convince your mind of anything if you say it over and over again.
Open your eyes and smile to improve your mood. It is very hard to stay in a bad mood when you are smiling. Even if you have to fake it at first, pretty soon you will be in a better mood and that smile will come naturally.