How to Heal from Emotional Abuse

Abuse in a relationship can have many forms. Usually, most people think that it is physical. But it can be also verbal and emotional abuse. It's hard to believe that somebody you love wants to hurt you. It is more difficult to recognize emotional abuse because it does not leave scars but it leaves psychological trauma and invisible wounds. Here's how to recognize the signs of abuse and steps to recovery from it.


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      Recognize that what's happening is abuse. Don't be in denial. The signs of emotional abuse include: verbal insults, name-calling (ex:bitch, stupid, psycho),controlling behavior, critisizing you constantly, putting you down or making jokes at your expense,diregarding your opinion,isolating you from your family,yelling, threatening to leave you,withholding affection as punishment,ignoring you when you're talking and not listening,controlling all the money and making all major dicisions without you.

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      You may be confused and he makes you think that it's all your fault. Realize you cannot control somebody else's behavior, so it is not your fault. Realize, you cannot change that person and that love is not supposed to hurt.

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      Emotional abuse lowers your self esteem and puts the abuser in control. He is always right and you're wrong. It's his way or the highway. Your emotional needs are neglected and maybe you feel lonely or depressed.

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      Have somebody to talk to and let them know what's going on. Maybe you have to end the toxic relationship. Get support from your family and friends, go talk to a counselor and get some advice.

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      If you're depressed, talk to your doctor about prescribing antidepressants. They usually take 4-8 weeks to work so the sooner you start treatment, the better.

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      Leave the abuser and move on with your life. Become stronger person and learn to avoid this type of abusive men in the future. Learn to recognize the early red flags before you get too invloved.

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