How to Manage Menopause Depression
Beneficial hormones: Estriol is safer than estrogen, for treating for menopause depression and other symptoms of menopause. Estriol protects against, breast and cervical cancers. It helps with vaginal atrophy and dryness, hot flashes and depression. It has been used in Europe for years to treat menopause and menopause depression.
Beneficial natural remedies: St. Johns Wort is excellent for depression and anxiety during menopause. Soy, black cohash and evening primrose oil are also excellent for menopause depression.
Support systems: When experiencing menopause depression, look for support. Find a group in your community or church who address menopause. It is helpful to share information and get encouragement. Try the YWCA, they usually have classes like this.
Exercise: With menopause depression comes a tendency to over eat and weight gain. Try to walk at least 20 minutes a day about three days a week. Exercise will help with menopause depression