How to Make Yourself More Confident
Think happy thoughts. How cliche can that sound, but this is true. Think about the things that truly make you happy. Apply more of these things to your life. There's a good chance that you don't always do this. You seem to focus too much on negativity, or what stresses you out. That can't lead to confidence, and it just takes away from yours. It doesn't matter what relaxes you, it could be golf, writing, positive influences from others in your life. It is important to try to surround yourself with positive vibes and surroundings. Being happy is a form of being confident. When you're not so focused on what you don't like, and more on what you do, you can feel better about yourself. Feeling better about yourself will gain confidence. You need to learn to see the good in things, instead of the bad. Not being confident in yourself, comes down to negative thinking. Gaining confidence is being able to give yourself a break, not constantly being surrounded with the things that upset you. Allow the positive vibes influence you and your thinking mechanisms. So keep happy thoughts, surround yourself with what makes you happy and peaceful.
Learn to relax more and have a sense of humor. I realized those who seem to cave to pressure, they're not really all that confident in anything, much less themselves. Relax more and don't panic! How do we not panic? Well, learn to laugh and make fun of yourself, or a situation more. Don't always take yourself so seriously. Also, give yourself something that makes you feel reassured that everything will be okay. Whether that is god, love from someone, a talent you have, grab something to hold onto. It's okay to screw up! You don't need to beat yourself up over every mistake, or flaw that you have. Everyone has flaws, but the ones who are confident don't dwell on them.
It's not that confident people think they're better than everyone. Of course not, they realize no one is better than anyone. So what is the point of being so insecure? We all have faults and flaws. Relax a little more, and don't take everything so serious. Why so serious? If you want to learn to relax more, then learn to laugh more, you'll be more confident. Learn to smile and appreciate the simple things. You can then learn to turn a bad situation, into a good one if you can take things easy. You can learn not to let pressure, or negative aspects tear you apart.
Understand everyone is equal, so take more chances. This is the problem I think a lot of people have. They obviously do not believe in themselves. They seem to figure that others are just better, so they tend to settle too much. When you settle, that has to take away from your confidence. Everyone is equal, it is true. I'll tell you why some get ahead of others. It doesn't have to do with them being better, but how they think and where their mindset is. It's true, some people might be better at certain skills and aspects of something. For instance, I can't or won't claim I'm a better basketball player than Michael Jordan, just from applying a positive mindset. That doesn't mean there's not something else out there we're better at, though. Because everyone has some kind of talent, or skill to offer in the world. Talent isn't enough, it's hard work and having a winning attitude. Michael Jordan didn't become a great basketball player just from having talent.
So don't get caught up in one thing you don't do well in. Why care about that? We're all horrible at something. We're also all good at something. Just focus and look for what you do well in. Then apply a positive mindset to it. A person's mindset is the only real difference we have in this world. The ones who think positive, they get positive. Others that think negative, then they get negative. You have talents, but to find them you need an open mind. Take more chances in life as well.
Try things that are new to you. This is a great way to gain more confidence, and that is by just learning more about yourself. There are so many different things out there, that you should learn to experiment and try. I don't really believe people chance. We are who we are, but I do believe we have the ability to evolve and learn as a person. The more you can learn about yourself, and evolve as a person, you'll definitely gain more confidence in who you are. I know a person who wasn't always real confident. She was a great person, had a lot going for her. She just didn't see it and could never be real happy. She went on a trip, needed to clear her mind. She came back a totally new person, filled with confidence. She learned to enjoy life a little more and got to experience new things. She learned to see life completely differently. She also developed new interest in things. Her mind was opened up to an entire new way of thinking. I remember talking to this person, and thinking how much they've really grown as a person. Do new things in your life, routine can take away a lot from someone.
Give more confidence to those around you. You can do this to someone you do not even know that well as well. You can really make someone's day, or life sometimes, by doing an act of kindness to them. To do give more confidence to those around you, learn to believe in them. Show them that you do. That starts with trust, along with honesty and obviously respect. People can inspire confidence in others and it's important to do this. Treat people the way you want to be treated. When you do this, they'll do the same for you in return. Show an act of kindness to someone, or do a favor for someone. Without getting anything in return. You see, you can learn to be more confident, just by trying to make another person more confident themselves. You can simply do that by giving them a compliment, doing them a favor, just finding a way to give to someone else who is in need. It's like the movie pay it forward. If we all try to help others out more, by paying it forward with an act of kindness, the chain of generosity can be passed from one person, to another. Let there be more happiness, confidence and love in the world!