Depression and Anxiety Symptoms
Weight gain or loss is a symptom of both anxiety and depression. People either turn to food for comfort or lose their appetite when they are feeling depressed and/or anxious.
Excessive sleeping as well as trouble sleeping are also signs of depression and anxiety. Some people sleep more in order to avoid their feelings while others are consumed by their feelings and find it difficult to turn off the thoughts in their head and fall asleep.
Someone experiencing depression and anxiety often loses interest in former favorite activities or participating in any activities at all.
Thoughts of hopelessness, worthlessness and fear are signs of depression and anxiety. Some people also have thoughts of suicide.
Depression and anxiety symptoms generally include a problem with concentration. It may be that the conflicting thoughts within the brain are causing an inability to concentrate or that the depression is so strong that thoughts of hopelessness intercede all other tasks requiring concentration.
Depression and anxiety symptoms may include feelings of anxiety and panic. These can include pounding heart, trouble breathing and hot/cold flashes.