How to Deal with Depression Symptoms
If a person does not respond to ordinary treatment, such as therapy, exercise and diet changes, then medication is usually recommended. Medication is ordinarily prescribed to deal with depression when other changes do not work. It is believed that the chemical balance of the body has gotten out of whack and needs medication to right itself. Anti-depressant medications bring about relief from depression in 90% of moderate to severe depression when taken properly. It is an excellent way to deal with many types of depression.
Here are a few tips to use if your depression is mild or in combination with therapy. You do not have to deal with depression alone.
Things You'll Need
- Sneakers
- A Journal
- Someone to talk to
- Lots of fruits and vegetables
- A Hobby
EXERCISE to Deal with Depression
Physical exercise is one of the best was to deal with depression symptoms. Rigorous physical exercise significantly raises the endorphins in your body. They are the body's "feel good" chemicals. Incorporate as much physical activity as possible every day. Take several brisk walks a day, join a health club, whatever it takes to get your body moving. It's even better if you can find an activity you enjoy or enjoyed before your depression began.
Find a walking buddy to help you keep up with your walking routine and if possible find someone who you enjoy talking to. Talking also helps you deal with depression.
KEEP A JOURNAL to Deal with Depression Symptoms
Buy a journal and write in it whenever you feel sad or like talking. Don't worry about what you say or how you say. Just write whatever comes to mind. You don't ever have to show it to anyone. Writing is an excellent way to deal with depression on a day to day basis. You will be amazed at how it helps you express you thoughts and make sense of your world. The process itself will make you feel better.
EAT HEALTHFULLY to Deal with Depression
Eliminate sugar and junk food as much as possible from your diet. Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and proteins. Take a multiple vitamin. Keeping a healthy, balanced diet will keep your blood sugar at a consistent level which will help to prevent mood swings.
Alcohol is a depressant. It slows your body and mind down and can make even a person who is not depressed feel down. If a drink makes you forget your problems for a time, realize it is temporary and the morning sadness will return. Alcohol affects your blood sugar levels and will affect your mood. If you are prone to depression you should always avoid alcohol. Avoiding alcohol is an excellent way to deal with depression.