About Herbal Remedies for Depression
Saint John's Wort
For many, St. John's Wort has been considered best among the herbs for treating depression. The herb contains substances that inhibit the actions of monoamine oxidase (MAO) and, as a result, increase the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, collectively called monoamines. Low levels of monoamines are associated with depression and MAO inhibitors increase the monoamines.
Licorice, also known as "sweet root," can be a tasty way to relieve depression since it is a great source of MAO inhibitors. This herb has also been used to relieve stress.
Widely used to strengthen the immune system, ginseng has be used to alleviate stress, which can be a contributing factor toward depression.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba helps to relieve depression in some people by improving cerebral circulation. This effect has especially been seen in the elderly.
Depression can contain a number of vicious cycles like causing insomnia, which adds to fatigue which in turn contributes to depression. To break this particular cycle many turn to valerian root. However, its prolonged use may cause depression.
Since some herbs deal directly with depression while others help correct its symptoms, blends of herbs have been used for a more powerful effect.
Most herbs have side effects and may interact with medications. Seek professional advice before starting an herbal regimen.