How to Use A Light Box for Depression
Picking a Light Box
Light boxes are sometimes sold in retail stores, like drugstores and department stores; however, simply picking one to use as part of a treatment for depression isn’t the most beneficial approach. To pick a proper light box for treating depression, you need to work with your doctor to maximize the benefits and reduce the risk of side effects. If you and your doctor decide light therapy is a suitable treatment, either on its own or in conjunction with anti-depressant medications, your doctor can suggest a light box or prescribe a special kind from a pharmacy or medical supply company. Light therapy boxes vary in duration and intensity, and you’ll need your doctor’s help to pick the right one. Your insurance may cover the cost of a light box if prescribed by a docto.
Treating Seasonal Depression
Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder, affects nearly 4 to 6 percent of the general population, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Light therapy treatment for seasonal depression usually begins in the early fall, continuing until early spring when more natural light is available. However, some people suffer from SAD in the summer or during prolonged periods of gray skies or rain. The Mayo Clinic recommends working with your doctor to create a treatment plan based on your particular symptoms.
The Process
Light therapy is fairly simple for the user. To work properly, light from a light therapy box must enter your eyes indirectly, meaning your eyes need to be open, but you can’t look directly at a light box – this could cause eye damage. Most people use a light box in the morning by placing it near where they are sitting or working. There is also a dawn simulator light box that works on a timer and gets brighter until you wake up. Your particular regimen should be coordinated with your doctor for the maximum benefit.
In general, light therapy using a light box is considered safe, but if your eyes are sensitive to light, you have macular degeneration or a family history of macular degeneration, or you are at risk of eye problems, speak with your doctor in-depth about these issues before beginning light therapy.
Side effects of light therapy treatment can include headache, eye strain, nausea, sleep problems, irritability and dry mouth; however, side effects are usually mild, according to the Mayo Clinic.