Mild Depression Symptoms
Depression is a complicated mental illness that produces emotional and physical symptoms. It is common for individuals suffering from depression to experience multiple episodes over the course of their lives, ranging in severity and length by a variety of factors. The symptoms of depression, even mild depression, can interfere with people's personal relationships, work ability and capacity to properly care for themselves.-
Persistent Sadness
One of the most distinguishable symptoms of mild depression is persistent sadness or anxiety. Often referred to as "feeling blue," this feeling of unhappiness has no distinct source and presents itself slowly over time.
Altered Sleep Habits
Individuals suffering from mild depression often experience disrupted sleep patterns, typically erring on the side of sleeping too much.
Altered Eating Habits
Eating habits are often disrupted. An individual suffering from mild depression may lose interest in food or have abnormal cravings for certain foods, particularly carbohydrates.
Disinterest In Common Activities
A symptom of mild depression is a loss of interest in daily activities, such as spending time with family, working or performing household duties like cleaning or food preparation.
Lowered Libido
A decrease in sexual desire is also a symptom. It is often heightened by other symptoms, such as changes in body shape due to disrupted eating habits or constant fatigue.