How to Not Worry and Be Happy
SMILE - Recent studies have shown that smiling causes natural body chemicals to increase that can increase your good health. You receive the same benefits whether you feel like smiling or not. Smiling also benefits everyone that sees it. Smiling at others makes them feel good too. So smile, fake or not, it is good for you and good for your recipient.
LAUGHTER - It is the best medicine. Based on the same concept above about smiling, laughing burns calories, increases your adrenaline and boosts health. There are even groups of people that get together just to laugh together. They are not laughing at jokes, they are just laughing for good health. As with smiling, you do not need to laugh at real things, you just need to do the physical laughing for all of the health benefits.
EXERCISE - Even small amounts of exercise make you feel better. Take a walk if you are feeling bluesy, angry or think you may be slipping into negative thinking. Getting your blood pumping empowers you to do what you need to do and to do whats right. Set a schedule of regular exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 20 minutes each session for better health. See articles below for starting a fitness program. Even a little bit helps, if you need to start out small, that is fine, just walk for 10 minutes a day and slowly increase it.
LET IT ROLL OFF YOUR BACK - Don't hold onto anything that bothers your mind. It can only hurt your health and it won't help your problems at all. The people that live the longest in this world do not hold grudges or hold onto negative feelings. Visualize your worries on a large chalkboard in your mind. Watch yourself take a big eraser and erase the problems. Everytime the thoughts come back into your head, see yourself with the eraser again. Keep your slate clean!