Emotional Side Effects of Chantix
Chantix was approved by the FDA in May of 2006. The general use is that of a smoking cessation drug. It acts to curb the nicotine craving in the brain, and to ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms.
In November 2007, the FDA issued a health advisory about Chantix. This advisory warned the public and health officials about the adverse side effects that were being reported by those taking the prescription drug. This advisory was followed by another FDA release in February of 2008. The agency was requesting that the manufacturer add new safety warnings to the drug. The most notable of side effects being challenged was the extreme emotional reactions some people were having.
Those that took the prescription drug reported a varied degree of emotional side effects. Some were as simple as strange or extremely vivid dreams. Others reported feelings of depression, anxiety or nervousness. The depression can be anywhere from mild to extreme. Thoughts of suicide, and uncontrollable rage were also noted in some cases.
These symptoms either developed while the patient was taking the prescription drug Chantix, or, for some, developed even after the 12-week course was done. Some patients did not realize that the medication was the cause of their emotional symptoms and continued taking the drug.
These extreme emotional side effects has caused the FFA to ban the use of Chantix among their pilots and air traffic controllers. In a statement issued in May of 2008, The Federal Aviation Administration expressed the safety concerns of the reported side effects of Chantix. Along with the emotional reactions, there has also been reports of loss of consciousness and seizures by some Chantix users.
Warnings have been issued to those taking Chantix and to any care givers. They have been advised to carefully monitor the effects and if they experience any of the emotional side effects Chantix reportedly causes, they are to stop taking the drug immediately. Worst cases are advised to see their Doctor.
Anyone even thinking of taking Chantix to stop smoking should discuss all of these side effects thoroughly with their physician. If they decide to go ahead and take Chantix to quit smoking, they should closely monitor it's effects. Family members should also keep a close eye on anyone taking this drug. Watch for any signs of mood changes, or strange behavior.
A prescription for the 12-week required course of Chantix costs about $130.00. Some have even used the drug for a second course, totaling a 6 month use. Pfizer, the manufacturer that makes Chantix, reports a 44% quitting rate among those who have successfully completed the 12-week course of medication.
Many that have taken the drug, don't finish it because of the adverse emotional side effects. They claim that the cost is too great to their emotional health. Some who have considered the drug, have chosen to continue smoking. They would rather incur the expense and health issues of smoking, than face the even greater costs that the emotional side effects of Chantix could involve.