How to Banish the January Doldrums
Try a new look. Get your hair cut differently. Create new outfits by playing around with the clothes in your closet and mixing items in ways you've never tried. Buy a single accessory to spice things up. Smile more. Learn to wink. Walk taller.
Eat healthy. That means lots of veggies, fruit, whole grains, clean sources of protein and water. I know, I know--it's easier said than done. But remember, there is a reason for the saying: "You are what you eat." If you eat junk, you'll feel like junk too.
Exercise, exercise, exercise. It doesn't matter what you do; it just matters that you move your body. Take a walk, dance around your room, practice yoga, ride a bike, play basketball, dive into the pool. Post-exercise endorphins are one of the best ways to lift your spirits.
Take life one day at a time. If you are the type to make New Year's Resolutions, remember that change doesn't happen all at once, but slowly, inch by inch. Don't be discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Remember, it's only January. If you keep your eyes on the prize and stay the course, come June you could be living an entirely different life than you've got right now.
Hibernate. Chances are you're craving more sleep than normal. Try getting to bed earlier, take naps when you can and allow yourself to sleep in on the weekends.
Discover your inner artist. Now is the perfect time to finish that novel you've been working on, pick up your guitar that's been gathering dust in the corner, practice your drawing skills, take pictures or learn to dance.
Check in with friends. If you're feeling down, chances are your friends are feeling it too. Instead of bottling up your blues, get it out in the open. It always helps when you know you aren't the only one feeling down.