How to Change Negative Thoughts to Positive
Begin by capturing every thought that comes into your mind. This is not new information. This has been around for more than 3,000 years. The Bible says to, “Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” By doing this you are negating negative thoughts. When a negative thought comes into your mind, you are immediately capturing it and throwing it out because it does not belong there.
Replace the negative thought that you threw out with a positive one. Think about things that are pure, true, lovely and things that are of good news. Look around at that which is good. Nature itself is wonderful and amazing, and when we look at it we discover beauty and perfection.
Don’t think about yourself. Don’t worry about what you’re going to eat or what you’re going to drink. Let what you wear not worry you.
Keep in mind that many times people think about things that they can't change. Don't emulate this behavior. Instead think of yourself as a masterpiece. There is none other like you. Even though there are people, that look similar, consider that there is no one exactly like you in the entire world. Begin looking at others with this same view.
Remember your past. Only do this to assess your accomplishments. Building upon past achievements will help you stay away from negative thoughts and turn from them. When you think, “Wow, I did that,” you will begin to realize that you have a lot to offer and you make a difference.
Help others. When you help others or think of ways to help them you get your mind off “you.” Getting your mind off you gets your mind off your problems or misfortunes. Find ways to help out. Join a church and see if there is any thing you can do to contribute.