How to Cure Cabin Fever
Things You'll Need
- Hobby supplies
- Camera
- Winter wear
- Bath items
- Full spectrum lamp
Sleep a lot. Bears hibernate for months on end and there is nothing stopping you from mimicking that behavior. That’s what winter is for. Sleeping is a great form of escape and also a way to rest up for the exciting spring and summer ahead. If you can’t fall asleep on cue, help it along by reading boring materials, like the financial pages, or get some meditation CDs that help you relax.
Take long baths. Baths are another form of escape that relax, kill time and just make you feel good. Make it your business to buy lots of bubble bath, oils and other fun stuff you can put in the tub. Do a bathtub shopping spree every fall to stock up for the winter ahead. Make sure to include incense, classical music CDs and scented candles.
Get a full spectrum lamp. Since natural sunlight is scarce, boost up your mood with a light that simulates it. These things work wonders and are available at home furnishing stores or online.
Indulge in a hobby. Once you're done sleeping and bathing, dig out something fun to do. Perhaps you love to knit but haven’t touched the needles in ages. Maybe you want to brush up on your painting skills. Even less creative endeavors, like organizing that closet that always has stuff falling out on your head, can keep you busy and feeling productive.
Go outside anyway. When you’ve taken all the indoors you can take, suit up and go out. Try to pick a day that is not infused with a raging storm and make sure to dress properly. Hat, gloves, boots, thick coat, long johns, scarf—go for the works. Bring your camera for some winter shots which you can spend hours making a collage out of when you get back.
Get out of town. The most drastic of cabin fever cases will benefit greatly from a ticket to the Bahamas. If you cannot afford such a trip, take a mini-vacation to a spa, gym or even a shopping mall where you can move around and revitalize yourself.