How to Beat the End of Summer Blues
Things You'll Need
- Party supplies
- Food
- Summer pictures
- Coconut room deodorizer
- Facial luminizer
Celebrate. Even though you hate to see summer end, it is important to acknowledge it's happening and there's no better way to do that than have a party. This could be a backyard barbecue, a beach party or a picnic. Decorate with reminders of summer, enjoy your favorite summer foods and drinks, and reminisce about the fun you had this summer.
Place your summer memories on display. Beating the end of summer blues is easy if most of the images you see around you represent summer. Place your summer pictures in a scrapbook, a decorative picture frame, or use them as a screen saver on your computer. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or a little depressed about cold weather coming, glancing at those summer images will help you feel warm and relaxed.
Take a whiff of a tropical scent. Smell is our most powerful memory trigger and the smell of coconuts and summer seem to go hand in hand. Infuse your home, car and office with the coconut scent by using sprays, candles or oils. It is also fairly easy to find bath products with a coconut scent. Bathing with coconut-scented products means the scent should linger with you all day, no matter where you are.
Exercise outside. As the amount of sunlight you get each day dwindles with the end of summer, a bit of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) may set in. Another good way to beat those end of summer blues is to get your heart pumping in some natural light. Forty-five minutes of exercising outside at least three times a week should do the trick. See if you can squeeze in a lunchtime powerwalk in the park for a midday pick-me-up.
Take a "staycation." Taking a local mini vacation provides a sense of freedom similar to that felt during a leisurely summer vacation. Be a tourist in your hometown and enjoy the local museum, art gallery or take a walking tour.
Apply facial luminizer, ladies. Keep that fresh summer look around by applying a little shimmer to your face. The light-reflecting particles in the facial luminizer reflect light off of your face, brightening you up and easing imperfections. Even if you have the end of summer blues, your face will reflect the radiance of summer.
Clean out the closets and go shopping. The change of seasons is a great time to clean out closets and get rid of any clothes you have not worn in a year. Getting rid of things brings on a freeing feeling for most people that will overpower your end of summer blues. Once you've cleaned out your closets, do some retail therapy to welcome the new season.