How to Feel More Optimistic
Start your day with a compliment. Look in the mirror first thing in the morning and give yourself a compliment. You will radiate positive energy from feeling uplifted. The positive energy will lead to others complimenting you.
Put a spring in your step. Pessimists tend to take small steps and walk slowly. Optimists stand tall, take larger steps, and walk faster. This makes you appear as though you're are full of positive energy.
Smile. Research has proved that smiling, even if you don't want to, releases endorphins and serotonin. These hormones and compounds are mood-altering in a positive way.
Enjoy a garden. Find a comfortable chair, bench, or hammock in a garden and relax. If there is no garden nearby a picture or painting of one can be used as a substitute. The beauty of nature is sure to turn anyone into am optimistic thinker.
Surround yourself with optimistic people. Just as negativity breeds negativity, positive people support optimism.
Visualize the positive. Picture the best possible outcome to a situation in your mind and you are more likely to get there. By creating this picture in your mind you are telling yourself it can be done and you already have an idea of the building blocks to get there.
Limit the amount of time you spend watching the news on television and reading newspapers. Although it is important to stay on top of current events, it seems as though there are more negative things broadcast in the media than there are positive.