How to Cheer up a Sad Friend
Be available for your friend at all times. It's very important to let them know you are there for them. Make sure they are aware of the fact that they can get a hold of you at any time, night or day.
Have patience. Sometimes it takes people awhile to get out of their sad moods. Everyone is different. Learn to understand and throw out impatience.
Send him/her a card to brighten their day. Getting positive pieces of mail is always a nice thing. It will at least make them smile.
Call them often. Don't bombard them with phone calls if they do not want to talk, but at least call once a day just to check up and let them know you care. The same goes for email.
Insist on taking them out. Maybe buy them a dinner? Sometimes a friend just needs to get out and have fun. You can help them with this.
Think of something they've always wanted or liked and surprise them with it as a gift. This will most definitely show them how much you care and brighten their day.
Involve other friends. The more friends you involve, the more likely the person will come out of their mood.
Offer hugs. Sometimes a person just needs you to be there and a hug is the most generous of offers.