How to Treat Depression With Laughter
Learn to laugh even when nothing seems funny.
Get started by going to a Laughter-Yoga session or a Laughter Class so that you can learn the different ways to add laughter to your life. You will find these on the internet, such as or
Acting out a scenario with a laugh, such as pretending to be on your cell phone with a friend who is telling youan exceptionally funny story, is something you can do on your own or share the experience with others who wantto brighten their moods.
Do the dance steps to the Cha-Cha but keep the beat by saying ho-ho, ha-ha-ha.
Be sure to have on hand, and view on a regular basis, a collection of things that make you laugh, such as taped episodes of your favorite sit-com or bloopers, old Marx Brothers movies, or even family photos of fun times.
On a daily basis practice the three types of laughs : ho-ho-ho, ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee, and pay attention towhen you use the different types throughout the day, do different laughs lend themselves to different situations?