How to Help Someone with Depression
How to Help Someone with Depression
Study everything that you possibly can about depression and its treatments. Get as much insight to the condition as humanly possible. The more you know about depression and what your loved one will go through, the more you will be able to help him when he may not be able to help himself.
Make time for yourself. Caring for someone who is depressed can be highly stressful and emotionally draining. It will start to take its toll on you. Make sure you allow yourself some down time from the situation. Talk to friends about what you are going through or find a support group. You will be of no use to your loved one if you are tired and stressed out yourself.
Be reliable. A depressed person needs lots of love and support. She needs to know that she can depend on you so some level of consistency remains in her life. Prepare yourself for a roller coaster of emotions. Depressed people can go through some really dark moments.
Know your own limitations. It is true that you can help, but you won't be able to cure the person. Ultimately he has to help himself. If things become too bad for the person, you need to get other professionals in. Depression isn't just being in a low mood. Some depressed people can become suicidal. If you feel that things are approaching that point, get outside help immediately.
Accept your own feelings. Taking this in is going to be very stressful and emotional for you as well. You will feel sad and angry. Don't bottle this up. You need to talk these feeling out with others. Keeping these feelings in could lead to your own illness.