How to Become an Optimist

Are you the type of person who tends to see the glass as "half full"? According to a Mayo Clinic study, people who are optimistic decrease their risk of an early death by 50 percent. Besides, do you really want to go through life expecting the worst? Here are some steps to help you become an optimist.


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      Stop any negative self-talk.The next time you something doesn't turn out as well as you hoped, don't berate yourself. Instead, tell yourself next time will be better and move on.

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      Make the most of any time. If you find yourself annoyed that you are stuck in traffic, or waiting in a long line "again," turn it into a positive experience. Talk to the person behind you at the grocery checkout, or squeeze your glutes at the red lights.

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      Reward and indulge yourself. If you have worked for weeks on a project, give yourself a treat just for completing it, no matter the outcome. And do something nice for yourself from time to time for no reason at all. Having something nice to look forward will help you be more optimistic.

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      Next time someone cuts you off in the parking lot, or are treated less than courteously by a customer service rep, don't get angry and let the negative thoughts roll in. Instead, stay optimistic. Imagine that they have had the worst day of their life, give them a big smile and wish them a good day. Who knows? Your imagination could be correct. Even if it's not, your positive attitude might compel them to adjust their negative one.

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      Lean towards simplicity. If your life is crammed with things you need to do, it can be difficult to stay optimistic. Take a look at your activities--even the fun ones--and see if you are over-scheduled.

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