How to Overcome Sadness
Express your feelings. Bottling your emotions inside won't make them go away and won't allow you to move forward. Cry, scream or write an angry letter. Don't mail it, but write it so you can say all the things you want to say.
Evaluate your life. If there are things that add to your sadness, such as drugs, alcohol abuse or a toxic relationship, break that cycle and end the pain. It will take time, but you will heal and be better for doing so.
Do something positive for someone else. The best way to overcome sadness and depression is to be of service. Serve food to the homeless, visit shut-ins in your neighborhood or go read to seniors or children in the hospital. Everyone will benefit from your actions.
Get plenty of exercise. Even if you're not in shape to run a marathon, taking a walk in the morning or after dinner will help relieve stress, which also helps you overcome sadness and depression.
Find something that makes you happy. Take in a funny movie or visit an upbeat friend. That attitude is just as contagious as sadness.
Consult a physician. Many times sadness and depression can be treated with medication to help you recover and return to your life. If you're suffering from sadness and depression for unknown reasons or extended periods of time, ask your doctor for help.
Make a list everyday of things you're grateful for. Make it a rule that you can't repeat anything from one day to the next. By doing this, you train yourself to search for positive aspects of life rather than focusing on the negative things.