How to Deal With Severe Clinical Depression
Remember the good times. Difficult though it may be, bringing to mind happy incidents and following them from start to finish invokes the feelings you had during that period and can lighten your spirits.
Think about others. It's natural to dwell on your shortcomings when you're depressed but by focusing on the needs of others, you can shift your thoughts to a more productive line.
Talk to someone. Most depression sufferers go about their day in silence, keeping their thoughts to themselves until they become overwhelming. By discussing the problems and your feelings, you let in a little light, dispelling the loneliness of keeping your thoughts hidden.
Make a doctor's appointment. Most victims of clinical depression suffer without medical intervention. You need not be ashamed of your feelings. Depression is often treatable with medications that will put you back on the right track.
Reduce your dependence on alcohol or drugs. When you're in a major depression, turning to drugs or drink may temporarily alleviate the pain but the feelings will still be there when you are sober again. Additionally, depending upon alcohol may impair your ability to perform your daily tasks, leading to deeper depression.
Call (800) 273-TALK if you're having suicidal thoughts. Answered 24 hours a day, there will always be someone there to talk with you and help you when you're suffering.