How to Let Go of Painful Memories
Confront the one who upset you. This works well in many circumstances but always discuss your plan with someone first. In certain abuse situations this might not be advisable.
Talk it over and let it go. Find a confidant who will listen and support you . Talking through painful memories is a great way to work things out.
Seek professional counseling. Many times the pain is too much to handle alone or even with a friend. Make an appointment with a counselor and discuss the issues that are you are holding onto.
Join a support group. Being around other people who share similar experiences is a healthy way to heal.
Grieve until you feel satisfied and then let the painful memories go. Every individual grieves differently. Each person has a different length of time and a different process they go through when grieving.
Meditate and pray. Sit down in a quiet place and meditate. Reading meditations throughout the day and praying are also effective methods of healing.