How to Journal for Therapy
Find a journal that's classic in form and layout. Buying a neutral journal is the best option because it doesn't go out of style. Keeping your journals and periodically refreshing your memory about your growth is a great source of encouragement as you face personal battles.
Retreat to a secret, safe place where you can be alone with your thoughts. Make sure you're free from distraction and have a set time you can count on. This could simply be your bedroom with your phone off.
Write whatever comes to mind without self-editing. Many times things that are inside you just need to be expressed, and the journey of acknowledging all that helps to bring clarity and resolution. Decide that whatever you're thinking and feeling is OK because it's temporary.
Go deep and allow yourself to go off on tangents. Follow the rabbit's trail as far as it goes. If you find yourself off the path, reread where you started and see if there's any more inside you that you need to express.
Plan to have a journaling time daily, but be flexible with yourself if it doesn't happen. Setting a time to journal before you go to bed gives you the best viewpoint from which to track your life events and feelings on a small scale. Find what works for you.