How to Express Emotional Pain in a Healthy Way
Cry if you need to. Crying isn't an expression of weakness. In fact, some researchers assert that crying releases the body's extra stress hormones, making you feel better.
Write about how you're feeling. Keep a small notebook with you. When you're overwhelmed by sadness, pull it out and write down exactly what you're feeling. There is no correct way to do this. The most important thing is that you write honestly.
Seek out counseling, if possible. Counselors practice active listening and, through the use of cognitive behavior therapy, they can help you redirect thoughts that perpetuate feelings of sadness.
Develop positive emotional health by staying connected with other people. Plan activities with friends and family members. Talk with your friends and tell them about your feelings.
Find a positive and enjoyable outlet for your pain and frustrations, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, acting or singing.
Release the stress hormones that can arise from emotional pain by exercising regularly. As a bonus, you'll produce endorphins, which promote happiness.