How to Ease Depression With Relaxation Techniques
Use visualization. Close your eyes and picture a place where you feel relaxed and happy, such as the beach or mountains. Use all your senses to create the feeling of being there. Imagine what the place you are visualizing would feel and smell like. Visualization can ease depression by creating a feeling of peace and relaxation.
Breathe deeply. Breathing exercises can have a relaxing effect on your mind and body. Sit with your back straight and breathe in slowly through your nose. Breathe from your stomach and diaphragm. You should feel your abdomen expand as you inhale. Exhale slowly through your mouth.
Learn to mediate. Create a quiet relaxing spot in your home where you will not be disrupted. The purpose is to clear your mind from distractions and relax your body. Sit in a comfortable position and focus on your breathing. Consider keeping your eyes half open and focusing on an object. Recite a mantra to keep your mind from wandering.
Do yoga. Not only is yoga good exercise but it also can have a calming effect on the mind. As your body feels more relaxed, depression may ease. Take a yoga class or buy a DVD to learn yoga poses at home.
Keep in mind not every relaxation technique will work for every person. Use different techniques until you find one that relaxes you and seems to help ease your depression.
Give yourself time. Set aside 20 to 30 minutes a day to practice relaxation techniques. Do the relaxation techniques consistently to help ease your depression. Keep in mind these techniques may take time to learn.