How to Live with a Depressed Spouse
Seek medical attention. Regardless of how your spouse may fight against this, medical intervention is critical in avoiding serious or fatal injury and in beginning the journey back to good health.
Listen to the doctors. If your spouse needs to be admitted into a hospital or needs to take daily medication, do not allow your spouse to deny himself that care. If medical professionals are telling you this is what's best, listen to them. They are objective and trained to help and you need to rely on them.
Find alternative care if you have children in the house. Do not, under any circumstances, leave children in the care of a depressed adult. You may not want to believe that anything can go so horribly wrong, but it does on a regular basis. Do not risk your children's health by leaving them unattended.
Talk openly and honestly with your depressed spouse about the illness. Depression is no more her fault than if she had been diagnosed with cancer, and she is no more able to get up and conquer it without medical intervention. However, she needs to know what is happening and why. Even if she disagrees, you need to be honest.
Locate support for yourself. You need to get out and have a life outside of the illness within your marriage. Taking that time for yourself is not only important, it's critical to your health and well being. Find a support group or make a point of routinely leaving the troubles behind and taking a break. Make sure your spouse is attended to if necessary.
Surround yourself with upbeat and happy people when possible. While throwing a party in your home while your depressed spouse hides in the bedroom is not a good plan, regularly having lunch with happy people or them for dinner once or twice a week will help you leave the gloom behind and uplift your spirits.
Laugh. Laughter really is the best medicine and is a huge stress reliever. Rent a funny movie or turn on a comedy routine. Laughing every day will help you cope with the trials you're facing with your depressed spouse.