How to Deal With a Depressed Parent
Have a serious discussion with your parent. If you have siblings, ask them to participate as well. In a calm and concerned manner, let your parent know that you've noticed his depression and want to help.
Suggest counseling, especially if your parent's depression is severe. Help your parent to find a good counselor and go with her for support. When you know that a therapist is actively treating your parent's depression, the weight of the problem is no longer on your shoulders, and you can begin to relax and focus more on your own life.
Be loving and affectionate with your parent, even if you're feeling angry and sad. It is important for your parent to know that you are there for him while he's going through this tough time.
Take care of yourself. Continue your normal routines if possible, and lean on your friends and family for support. Seek counseling for yourself if you're feeling especially affected by the situation.
Learn about depression. Read up on it and talk to mental health professionals about it. This will help you to better understand the feelings that your parent is experiencing so that you can feel more sympathetic and less angry.
Understand that your parent will ultimately make her own decisions, and while you can suggest counseling and support services, she may choose not to get help.