How to Deal With a Depressed Boyfriend
Be affectionate and supportive. Listen to your boyfriend and let him know that you're there to support him without judgment.
Encourage him to discuss his issues with trusted family and friends. The more support he has through this rough time, the better he'll begin to feel.
Ask your boyfriend to see a counselor if he is severely or clinically depressed. Your support alone won't cure his depression.
Attend a few counseling sessions with him. The counselor can help both of you to better deal with his depression so that it doesn't hurt your relationship.
Alert his parents, counselor or one of his best friends if you feel that his depression has escalated to the point where he has become dangerous to himself. He may feel that you've betrayed his trust, but you'll be helping him in the long run.
Stick with him if you want your relationship to remain intact. Don't "take a break" until he gets better. Show him that your love is unconditional and that you'll be there for him as long as he gets the help he needs.