How to Keep a Positive Attitude
Fill your mind with positive things. Read encouraging, affirming books and listen to upbeat, happy music. Think about happy memories or things you have to look forward to rather than bad things that have happened or things you dread.
Develop yourself spiritually. Research shows that those who are spiritual live longer and more satisfying lives.
Keep positive people in your life. Avoid people who have a negative mindset and surround yourself with people who are upbeat, spiritual and fun.
Practice positive thinking. Try not to let negative thoughts enter your atmosphere. Think instead of all the good things in your life, even if there aren't very many. Concentrate on your good features instead of your faults.
Laugh often. Watch a funny movie or hang out with someone who you can be silly with. Laughter is a great way to get a positive attitude.
Learn something new or take up a new hobby. Get out and do things you love to do and enjoy yourself.
Reevaluate your situation. It's easy to think negative or pessimistic thoughts when something happens. However, when you think rationally about the facts instead of the fears, you can see a more positive side of things.