How to Deal With Being Lonely
Realize that there is a hairline difference between being lonely and being depressed. Loneliness may actually bring about depression, anxiety, and a host over other behaviors, or it may happen the opposite way and because your behavior has changed, you may now feel lonely. But one is not necessarily the other, and sometimes it's okay to feel lonely.
Try to figure out when you started feeling this way. When was the last time you felt connected to the world around you and to the people in your life? What's changed? Start keeping a journal to help you connect to how you feel. Getting to know yourself again is a great place to start.
Make a decision. Find ways to enjoy your solitude, or decide to reconnect with the world around you. Either way, you'll start feeling better. Channel your energy into new hobbies and taking yourself out on the town solo, or join a social group in your area that interests you or reconnect with old friends.
Act. The best way to deal with being lonely is to do something about it. You're never so alone as you think you are. Call up old friends, show up and visit your relatives, volunteer at a nursing home, or strike up a conversation with somebody at the grocery store. Just get out there and say hello.
Consider adopting a pet from a local animal shelter. Or set up an aquarium. Having a four-legged friend is a great way to fend off loneliness and also happens to be a great way to meet people. What better way to reconnect to the world than a cat-training class or dog-walking group?
Seek professional help. If loneliness is crippling your life and you can't seem to get away from it, seek out a kind and knowledgeable professional to talk to about how to deal with feeling lonely.