How to Avoid Loneliness

Loneliness strikes all of us at one point or another. Sometimes it's linked to the loss of a loved one or a move to a new city; sometimes it seems like it surfaces for no apparent reason. If you're aware of the beginning feelings of loneliness, though, there is much you can do to avoid it.


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      Maintain your health. When your health fails, you may inadvertently begin isolating yourself from others, especially as you grow older. Stay fit, eat well and maintain mental alertness to keep you engaged with the world and avoid feeling lonely.

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      Exercise outside your home. This could mean going for a walk in your neighborhood, attending yoga or pilates classes or joining a gym. Exercise helps you stay happy and healthy, and going outside your home allows you to interact with others positively, even if it's just smiling at your neighbor. You might even find an exercise partner.

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      Accept yourself and realize that you are a good person, even if you feel like people are avoiding you right now. Seek therapy if you have problems accepting yourself or find solace in your religion.

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      Let go of notions of what should happen and of rules that don't work for you anymore. If you spend your time narrowing your options and thinking about what you should do, you close down too many opportunities to interact with others and to explore yourself, which results in feelings of loneliness.

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      Join a group that shares one of your hobbies. If you don't yet have a hobby, try one in which you've always been interested. A hobby group puts the focus on the hobby itself, so you don't have to have personal conversations if they're uncomfortable for you.

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      Reach out to strangers you meet to avoid lonely feelings. One of the results of loneliness is a feeling of disconnection to others. Talking to people, even if it's just asking them how they are or giving them a sincere complement, can help you see that you are part of a larger group.

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      Become involved in the political life of your community. This allows you to feel connected to your community and to your neighbors. You can also help make positive changes in your community and feel proud of your accomplishments.

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