How to Stop Being a Victim

A victim is someone who's relinquished control over some part of their lives to something or someone else. It can be a partner in a relationship, a family member, an activity or an institution. You can stop being a victim only when you recognize why you're letting it happen and explore ways of turning your life around.


    • 1

      Reflect on the past. Victimization that lasts into adulthood starts in childhood. You had to relinquish control of some things as a kid, but your parents should have helped you ease into independence and responsibility.

    • 2

      Examine your present situation. Explore in what areas of your life you feel like a victim. Family expectations, for instance, can make you feel you don't have control whenever you're around them.

    • 3

      Be honest about who has control over your life. You may believe you're a victim at work, but delve deeply into your relationship with your supervisor and find out how much control she really has over you.

    • 4

      Decide what role you play in your own victimization. Focus on cleansing your mind of helplessness rather than pointing fingers.

    • 5

      Prepare to stop being a victim. Make a list of affirmations like, "I control my life in all things," and "I'm the only one who can save myself."

    • 6

      Identify aspects of your life where you have freedom. Meditate on the things that make you feel good and that no one else has a hand in.

    • 7

      Imagine yourself free of victimization once and for all. Before you go to bed every night, close your eyes, relax your muscles and picture exactly the life you want.

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