How to Stop Being a Victim
Reflect on the past. Victimization that lasts into adulthood starts in childhood. You had to relinquish control of some things as a kid, but your parents should have helped you ease into independence and responsibility.
Examine your present situation. Explore in what areas of your life you feel like a victim. Family expectations, for instance, can make you feel you don't have control whenever you're around them.
Be honest about who has control over your life. You may believe you're a victim at work, but delve deeply into your relationship with your supervisor and find out how much control she really has over you.
Decide what role you play in your own victimization. Focus on cleansing your mind of helplessness rather than pointing fingers.
Prepare to stop being a victim. Make a list of affirmations like, "I control my life in all things," and "I'm the only one who can save myself."
Identify aspects of your life where you have freedom. Meditate on the things that make you feel good and that no one else has a hand in.
Imagine yourself free of victimization once and for all. Before you go to bed every night, close your eyes, relax your muscles and picture exactly the life you want.