Ways to Quit Biting Fingernails
Anti-biting Solution
Nail-biting solution is a bitter-tasting fingernail coating used as a deterrent. The solution is most effective against subconscious, habitual nail biting, as your subconscious begins to avoid the habit due to the bitter, acrid taste. Apply the solution each morning, periodically during the day and again at night to avoid biting while you sleep. You can apply the solution to your nails whether or not you're wearing nail polish. Use the solution on your cuticles to avoid chewing in these areas as well
Nail Polish
Paint your nails, or have then painted professionally, using a nail-hardening base. Nail polish helps harden nails and leaves them more resilient against your attempts to bite through them. The acrylic substance used for artificial nails provides an additional deterrent from biting your nails. The expense of going to a nail salon and having your nails professionally done also provides an additional incentive to keep your nails out of your mouth.
Wean Yourself
Work your way down by selecting a single nail to avoid biting for a week. During that week, allow yourself to bite your other nails. After the week, select a second nail to avoid biting. Continue weaning yourself off a new nail each week until all of your nails are off-limits. While the process of weaning yourself off of nail biting, one nail at a time, can be a frustrating challenge, you can find inspiration to keep going once your nails begin growing healthy and naturally.
Keep Your Hands Busy
One of the reasons people bite their nails is the compulsive desire to do something with their hands. Avoid spending long periods of time without using your hands by picking up a few hobbies to keep your hands busy. These include playing video games, texting your friends or reading a book. Take your mind off your habit and focus your attention on your new hobby.