What Does It Mean When You Have a High Intuition?
A highly intuitive person may be able to foresee things before they happen by experiencing so-called visions. A vision could be interpreted as a prediction, a warning or a good guess, depending on how much others believe in higher levels of intuition. Visions may play out in a person's mind during the day, or they can appear as dreams.
Someone who is highly intuitive is apt to have "a sense" about people. This sense could be based on a myriad of factors, such as reading or assessing the person's attitude, physical features, the way he carries himself, his clothes, his communication skills or his general aura. A highly intuitive person might get a gut feeling about whether someone is a positive influence or seems like the type to cause trouble. Some managers and employers consider these types of intuitions when selecting their employees. Women, in particular are known to apply high intuition skills to understanding relationships.
Having high intuition does not require people to support their feelings and beliefs with evidence. Since intuition is a sense that comes from within, facts, data and other forms of supporting evidence are not necessary when it comes to making a decision based on intuition. Intuition is something that often stands on its own, with belief as the measure of its accuracy.
People can develop their intuitive powers and gain high intuition through practice. Practicing for high intuition involves focusing on peoples' communication styles, learning how to read body language, understanding different personality types, developing a knack for evaluating situations and staying keen on the events that go on around us.