How to Deal With Narcissists
Do not engage in power struggles with a narcissist. A narcissist may try to engage you in a "look who's better" argument or battle, whether it be in a relationship or at the workplace, to satisfy her need to draw attention to herself. Identify power struggles as traps to avoid. Rather than engaging in them, find a reason to excuse yourself from the encounter.
Set boundaries with the narcissist. Let the narcissist know what is and is not acceptable in terms of his behaviors, and when he is taking advantage of you. If you do not appreciate when the narcissist belittles you, call him out as he is doing it to make him aware of his actions. Although the narcissist likely won't change, he may at least respect your boundaries and leave you alone for the time being.
Do not expect to receive compliments from a narcissist. A narcissist will try to find things wrong with whatever you do to build herself up and appear better than you. You can manage your disappointment by not expecting too much from a narcissist.
Recognize the narcissist's accomplishments and achievements. A narcissist craves recognition from others, and by giving it to him, you can maintain a positive relationship with the narcissist. Avoid giving a narcissist fake compliments, however. Keep your recognition sincere.
Know how to get what you want from a narcissist. Tell the narcissistic person why they are of use to you, which allows them to focus on their strengths and feel needed. The feeling of being needed is of great value to the narcissist.