How to Identify a Brainwave Frequency Machine

Brainwave machines are used in the fields of neuroscience and medicine for tracking and mapping the electrical activity throughout the brain. The tracking and recording of brain activity began in England, as early as the late 16th century, according to the University of Adelaide. Identifying an brain wave frequency machine requires the examination of four main components: electrodes, amplifying apparatus, a computer panel and a visual display.


    • 1

      Find the electrodes. Identify the long series of wires -- or leads -- sheathed in plastic. Count the amount of individual electrode wires -- often anywhere between 100 and 10,000.

    • 2

      Look at the amplifiers. Notice its rectangular shape and metal casing. Identify the amplifier as the physical gateway between the electrodes attached the patient and the computer panel.

    • 3

      Notice the computer panel and visual display. Look at the general design of the EEG panel and display to see a hard drive, a keyboard and mouse.

    • 4

      Identify the video monitor that shows brain wave activity. This looks like a small television set.

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